- Director: Mamirov Oyrat Maratovich
- Staffing: 6 person
- Name of the project: Construction of the mountain infrastructure of the tourist and recreational center «Kaskasu»
- Project cost: 42,8 billion tenge
Purpose and period of creation:
20 Nov 2019, within the framework of the Complex plan of socio-economic development of Turkestan region until 2024 (resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 29, 2018 No. 938), and pursuant to the instructions of the acting akim of Turkestan region K. Aytmukhametov (No. 02-1193 K./x 13.08.2019 years), the decision of the Board and the Board of Directors (from 5.11.2019 years) made the decision to purchase a 49% stake of the LLP "Kaskasu Resort" (hereinafter-the Partnership) with registered capital of 200 000 tenge.
The goal of the project is to create an international tourism and recreation center for the development of the tourism sector in Kazakhstan. Creating favorable conditions for recreation for local and foreign skiers, attracting investors for further development of the complex's infrastructure, which will increase tax revenues to the budget, create new jobs, and have a generally positive multiplier effect on the development of the economy of the Turkestan region and Kazakhstan. The project is the creation of a year-round mountain complex in the Kaskasu gorge, Tolebi district of Turkestan region (65 km from Shymkent). The project concept involves the construction of 34.3 km of ski trails and equipping the mountain slopes with 8 lifts. The maximum number of skiers on the mountain slopes at one time will be 5,000 people.
March 20, 2020, according to the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC "SEC "Turkestan" and the minutes of the General meeting of participants of LLP "Kaskasu Resort" development of design documentation by the Society made payment to the Charter capital of the Partnership in the amount of 398 230 058 tenge with the preservation of the members ' share and increase of the Share capital of the company up to 812 914 404 tenge.