
An investment project is a set of measures that provide for investment in the creation of new, expansion and (or) renewal of existing production facilities, including those created, expanded and (or) updated during the implementation of a public-private partnership project, including a concession project.

An investment priority project is an investment project:

  • the creation of new industries, including the implementation of a legal person investment in the construction of new production facilities (factory, plant, shop), not less than two millionth the size of the monthly settlement indicator established by the law on Republican budget and valid on the date of application for investment preferences;
  • for the expansion and (or) renewal of existing production facilities, providing for the implementation by a legal entity of investments in the amount of at least five million times the monthly calculation index established by the law on the Republican budget and effective on the date of filing an application for investment preferences in changes to fixed assets, including the renewal (renovation, reconstruction, modernization) of existing production facilities that produce products.

An investment priority project to create new production facilities or expand and (or) update existing production facilities is carried out by a legal entity for certain priority activities, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A special investment project is an investment project implemented and (or) implemented by a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered as a participant in a special economic zone or owner of a free warehouse in accordance with the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or a project implemented by a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan that has concluded an agreement on industrial Assembly of motor vehicles.