
Project Summary

Project name - Construction of a vegetable storehouse and a wholesale distribution center (ORC) for agricultural products;

Justification - Within the framework of the development of the food belt of Turkestan;

The purpose and essence of the project - Construction of a vegetable storehouse and a wholesale distribution center (ORC) of agricultural goods intended for storage, primary processing, reception, packaging and sale of agricultural products, as well as raw materials and food;

Location of the project - Turkestan, st. Baltakolskaya highway b / n;

Land resources - a land plot with a total area of ​​up to 10 hectares;

Duration of the project - It is determined by the project (according to the schedule of work);

Stage of the project - A competitive selection of a partner investor for joint implementation of the project is carried out;

Qualification requirements

- financial solvency of the investor partner;

- local content in frames;

- the presence of qualified specialists with experience in the construction industry;

Project Financing - At the expense of the partner investor, borrowed funds.