
Dear business entities of the Turkestan region!

In order to stabilize and regulate prices for socially significant food products (hereinafter - NWTC), the Joint-Stock Company Turkestan Social-Entrepreneurship Corporation announces a tender to determine commission agents for the sale of socially significant food products in the regions of Turkestan region.

Applications for participation in the competition will be accepted from March 26 to April 12, 2020 according to Appendix 1 (on business days from 09:00 to 19:00), at the city of Turkestan, Kyzylorda highway 34A.

List of documents required for participation in the competition:

- A statement addressed to the Chairman of the Management Board;

- Copy of identity card;

- Constituent documents of business entities;

- A document of own current account with a bank mark on the availability of funds for entrepreneurial activity;

- Certificate of the absence of tax debt of business entities.

For all questions of interest, contact JSC "SEC" Turkestan ".

Contact phone: 8 7771153232 Azat.